Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Job Design Model Analysis

Job Design Model Analysis Topic 2 Business process and job re-design Collaborative space Curtin University has embarked on a BPR program called EQUIP. What is the primary objective of the program? The primary objective for the EQUIP program been put into place at Curtin University is to enable Curtin to streamline/improve business processes in administration, support services, clarify responsibility among faculties and to seek out ways to make better use of current and future technologies. For example, Curtin, every semester has a high intake of new students so administration will be under intense pressure to process applications and get student timetable sorted out in a timely manner. With EQUIP being put into place Curtin can propose implementing better automation software, which in turn highlights one of Curtin strategic plan to be a responsive and innovative organisation. Describe the job design model. In EQUIP the job design model will greatly impact the staffing at Curtin as faculties reporting lines will change drastically, which may decrease paperwork or getting approval from multiple sources. All student service staff from July will be forced to join a transitional pool meaning that staff will be eligible to apply from new vacant Teaching Support Coordinator and teaching support staff position. This may require staff to get re-trained in these new job roles or Curtin have found a way to regulate the amount of staffing they have in the Student Service faculty. New proposed positions will be readily available for Curtin staff members at all level of employment allowing the staff to be focused on specialising in their roles. Senior leadership roles may not be filled by current Curtin Staff in which case Curtin will look from external applicants. What implementation issues will the University need to manage? The implementation of EQUIP in Curtin will greatly impact the staff as it will affect 600 to 700 staff members. The Curtin Hierarchy must work closely with faculty managers and supervisors to give staffing clear instruction to save mass confusion on how their roles will be affected. Another implementation issue will be how staff training will be provided for the enormous number of staff be relocated and be put into new job roles which may differ from their current role which they occupy. Staffing in research administration, HR and finance must be aware of the new reporting lines and processes. How will the University know if it has done a good job or otherwise? Curtin will know they have done a good job by conducting staff survey in each affected faculty. Another way of seeing if the implementation has been affected is by considering staff complaints in regards to the implementation. Thirdly another way to compare if the EQUIP implementation compare historical data on involuntary redundancies and staffing requests to new roles. What are the ethical issues of using internal consultants? (refer to the six values of the ACS Code of Ethics) Public interest will be put at risk as internal consultants might have formed strong bonds will departments or have family working for Curtin so the personal interest will be placed above public interests, resulting in unfair decisions been made effectively. This sort of judgement issues will lead to Curtin staff not seeing the consultant as a professional staff member who can perform their job with competency. Ethical morals will get distorted as good principles, values and beliefs wont be at the forefront of decision making. Social ethics can change drastically as the consultants deals with certain departments it may not like on a personal level ruling in unfairness against them. For example HR was slow in processing the consultants annual leave so the consultants may deal with that department in a fair manner. Refer to the article Trading places brick by brick provided in class. What changes in business process would Hadrian force? Hadrian would revolutionise the business processes of the brick trading business as this machine would set over a medium to long term new standard on how fast and efficient the brick layering industry will be. A good return on investment will enlighten the invests as the robots helping hand in decreasing production cost will be outweighed by initial set up. Construction companies can potentially save more money brick for brick with robots as they natural hold leverage over the brickies who are over charging due to shortages in various parts of Australia. Hadrians introduction into the construction industry will force the workforce to become more technology savvy which will require specialised training/certifications. This might indicate the older generation of the workforce might have to change career. This automation movement will just be like the one the automotive industry has experienced. Human interaction has become very limited in this industry as only electricians and machine operaters are the only human element of the automotive left in contact with the cars. Robots have provided the automotive industry with the means to achieve high throughputs with the least amount of spending. Definite deductions in scheduling and cost will encourage more buying customers to buy land to build houses as Hadrian would drive down housing cost. A normal business processes in the construction industry having a lot off cover insurance on workers to cover the company which can cost a lot of money but with Hadrian that process become less and less important as the human element of building houses will be eliminated. Hadrian would slowly phase out the older workforce leaving the industry reaping the benefits of a younger workforce, as retirement packages and pensions costs will be lowed. The whole industry will experience a decrease in pension/retirement payouts and health care costs because of lower aging work force and lack of retirees. How would jobs be redesigned? Jobs can be redesign in the fact that tradies wont be obsolete; trades men will still be needed to do the task like window, insulation installations, electrics and joinery in housing projects. It will be an environment where machines and humans can work in sync with one another. Another way jobs can be redesigned is tradies can become trained certified specialists in programming, operating and troubleshooting the machine. For example, job roles like configuration analyst or control engineer will be available in the brickie industry as jobs. Old workforce will be phased out as they would cost more to retrain then training a post graduate TAFE student getting trained in the field, making jobs for the younger generation easier to come by. Brickies would have to reinvest them self as window fitter or be qualified on mechanic to be able to work with Hadrian. Once Hadrian hits commercial usage and become industry standard, the industry will become 85% machine 15% human making jobs harder and harder to come by within the industry.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Drinking Water Shortage and Water Conservation Essay -- Drinking Water

Human beings and ecological systems depend on water for survival (Kenneth). No human, animal or plant can survive for long without this essential commodity. For us humans, water is the driving engine of most of our economic and recreational activities. For instance, we depend on water for the production of energy in industries, transportation and outdoor recreation. Most of us equally depend on water for the provision of amenity and cultural values. Barlow and Clarke state that one cannot simply whisk away the crisis of fresh water we have in the world today (25). For us, fresh water is very essential for direct consumption. A huge majority of plants and animals also depend on fresh water for survival. Experts predict that if we do not take good care of our water resources, a huge water crisis is in the offing. Since life generally depends on water, it is imperative upon us to adopt solutions that will foster water conservation. Fresh water is a fixed natural resource (Gleick 3). This implies that the supply of fresh water we have in our hydrological cycle cannot go up. According to Barlow and Clarke, almost everything that is being done in the industrialized world has the potential of worsening the already existing fresh water crisis (206). By failing to conserve the water we use, we stand the risk of exhausting all the fresh water we depend on. Studies have already shown that we are quickly running out of fresh water supply world over. This is as a result of dwindling water levels in rivers, lakes and underground aquifers. The consequences of lack of fresh water for consumption are far reaching. For instance, there would be increased cases of waterborne diseases, decreased economic output, reduced agricultural productivity ... ...A Guide to the World's Fresh Water Resources. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. 3. Print. Jackson, S. Ron. Conserve Water, Drink Wine: Recollections of a Vinous Voyage of Discovery. New York: Routledge, 1997. 34. Print. Kenneth, Frederick. "America's Water Supply: Status and Prospects for the Future." U.S. Global Change Research Information Office. N.p., 11 Nov 2004. Web. 7 Apr 2015. . McCarthy, John. "The Problem of Fresh Water." Stanford University. N.p., 16 Jan. 1996. Web. 7 Apr 2015. . McGovern, Cheryl, and Bastian Robert. "Water Recycling and Reuse: The Environmental Benefits." United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPA Pacific Southwest, 24 Mar. 2008. Web. 7 Apr 2015. .

Sunday, January 12, 2020


I have been offered constructive feedback and the opportunity to improve my work. Assessor I declare that I have issued the relevant resource material. I ensured that the student understood the requirements for the completion of this course. The student named above completed the work that is submitted and the work is their own. Student Signature Assessor Date Assignment 1 brief Qualification BITE Level 3 National (90-credit/Extended) Diploma in Applied Science Assignment title Work in the Science Industry Start date 01/09/14 Interim Deadline date Final Deadline date N Walters / D Miracle Learning Outcome(s) 1.Be able to use mathematical tools in science Mathematical tools: SSL units (length, mass, time, area, volume, density, force); conversions, egg imperial to metric and vice versa; prefixes, egg gig, mega, kilo, decide, cent', mill', micro, Anna, Pico; accuracy of data (decimal places and significant figures); fractions; percentages; ratios; standard form; use of scientific calcul ators Scientific problems involving algebra: transposition of formulae; substitution of equations; simple linear equations, egg involving force and mass (F =ma), speed and distance (v =s/t), mole calculations (n =m/Mr.), voltage and current (V =IR), density and illume (p =MN) Menstruation: standard formulae to solve surface areas, egg total surface area of a cylinder = nor + nor, surface area of a sphere = nor; volume of regular solids, egg volume of a cylinder = Teller, volume of a sphere = 4/nor, volume of a cone = 1/north Scenario You work for a pharmaceutical research company; the company would like to offer assistance and training for a new intake of employees who might find the mathematical demands of their new Job challenging.In addition to providing helpful guides and resources for these employees you need to produce some assessment trials that will be used to assess whether employees require additional training. The assessment materials you produce will need to include ques tions and the answers to these questions so that they can be marked and assessed. Criteria Pl : Carry out mathematical calculations using suitable mathematical tools UP: Carry out mathematical calculations using algebra MI: Use standard form to solve science problems MM: Use menstruation to solve scientific problems ODL : Use ratios to solve scientific problems DO: Use algebra to solve scientific problems Tasks for Assignment 1 Completed? Pupil Teacher TASK 1. 1 -(PI) Produce a poster showing commonly used imperial units with examples of their conversion into SSL units.Include specific examples covering units used in biology, chemistry and physics. Your poster should contain instructions on how to convert these units from imperial to metric and vice versa. Produce a guide to using standard form in science. Use examples relating to the use of standard form in measurements using microscopes in biology measurements of concentration in chemistry distance in physics using the wavelengths of different forms of radiation from the electromagnetic spectrum. In your guide present each example as a problem showing how the solution can be found using standard form. Task 1. 3 – (UP) Produce the 1st of 4 Question Papers that will be used to assess a new employees' mathematical capability.In this first paper write 10 questions requiring the use of algebra to solve mathematical problems. Having written the paper you need to write a mark sheet showing the answers and full working out for each question. Task 1. 4 – (MM) The next question paper for assessing employees is based on the use of menstruation. You need to write at least 10 questions in which employees are squired to solve problems involving shape and volume. You must include; 3 Biology, 3 Physics and 3 Chemistry-based questions. Again you should produce a mark sheet in which you clearly show the answers and working out for each question. Task 1. 5 – (ODL) with ratios. 10 Questions should be writte n covering problems in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.Genetics, chemical reactions and moments are topics that lend themselves to questions based on ratios. A mark sheet needs to be produced showing the answers and working out for each question. Task 1. 6- (DO) In the final question paper you should write one Biology, one Physics and one Chemistry problem requiring employees to find a solution using algebra. These three questions should be more complex than previous questions and involve a number of stages in which algebra is needed to find a solution to the problem. A detailed mark sheet is required for this paper showing the solutions to the problems including the working out for each stage of the problem.This could be from any subject in science but must be collected by the learner. You should include a brief statement stating how the data was collected, as well as a table of results for the data. The table should have borders and show quantities along with the correct units. Tas k 2. 2 – (MM) Provide a detail description of the stages undergone in the data collection process applied for UP. This description should be for both secondary and primary data. Task 2. 3 – (DO) Compare the different methods of data collection applied in UP and MM (both primary and secondary); The advantages and disadvantages of the methods should be clearly highlighted.TASK 2. 4 -? (UP) Identify any errors associated with collecting scientific data within an experiment (ideally the experiment used for UP). This could be in the form of a list or a statement. It should include any random and/or systematic errors. Task 2. 5 – (MM) Detail and show how errors were calculated in UP from the experiment conducted in Task 2. 6 – (DO) reduced. It is expected that the errors mentioned in DO will be linked to errors encountered during the same experiment mentioned in UP and MM and ideally linked to UP. Include also a mention of how errors encountered in UP were mini mized. Assignment 3 brief Displaying Data 10/09/14 3.Know about laboratory information management systems Charts: data represented by statistical diagrams (bar charts, pie charts); histograms (continuous and discrete variants) Type of graphs: linear graphs, egg distance time graphs, graphs obeying Ohm's law (voltage against current); non-linear graphs, egg ate of catalytic reaction against temperature, hydrogen gas given off against time, radioactive decay, bacterial growth Interpretation of data: random data, patterns in data; calculation of the arithmetic mean, mode and median; continuous data, egg rate of production over time, population count of invertebrates or plants; discrete data, egg fingerprint type, shoe size; raw and derived data, egg measure time and distance traveled by a car and calculate (derive) the speed Interpretation of graphs: calculating the gradient of a straight line graph; calculating the area under a straight nine graph; taking tangents of non-linear graphs in order to determine the gradient at a point; explaining trends in both linear and non-linear graphs Scenario You are a trainee microbiological scientist displaying data from an experiment to grow organisms; you will need to show your superiors your competence at handling and comparing collected data with reinforced reliability through including detailed references of error calculations.Criteria AS: Select the appropriate formats for displaying the scientific data that has been collected UP: Interpret scientific data MS: Interpret the trend in the scientific data collected in an experiment ADS: Calculate scientific quantities from linear and non-linear graphs Tasks for Assignment 3 TASK 3. 1 – (AS) Select an appropriate format of displaying a primary and a secondary set of data. (you may use data collected from UP) Ensure that any plots on your scatter grams and line graphs are accurately plotted on graph paper. In all cases, you should include correct labeling of axis and an appropriate title for your graph. Task 3. 2 – (UP) Provide an interpretation of your collected data (both primary and secondary)

Friday, January 3, 2020

Physician Assisted Suicide Should Be A Last Option

Controlling Your Body: Physician-Assisted Suicide A total of five states: Montana, California, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington, allow for their residents to have a relatively simple way to die before naturally suffering to death with a terminally ill condition. Physician-assisted death is â€Å"providing terminally ill patients with a potentially lethal prescription that they could ingest on their own to relieve otherwise intractable suffering by directly hastening death† (â€Å"Existing ‘Last Resorts’†). Although physician-assisted suicide should be a last option and require great amounts of counseling, courts should properly recognize this practice as a legitimate legal action in order to prevent things like unsafe suicides and excruciating pain. When a patient finally comes to the conclusion that they would like to bring their lives to an end, they are to end or opt out of enduring physical and emotional torture. I believe that if he or she first has been diagnosed by multiple separate sources with no r oom for error regarding the severity and mortality of their disease, other individuals should not have the authority to deny this option of relief. This practice, over the past ten years, has consistently accounted for â€Å"approximately one out of every thousand deaths per year† which may appear insignificant, but â€Å"one in fifty patients talk to their doctor about it, and one in six talk with family members† (â€Å"Existing ‘Last Resorts’†, 1). Most of these candidates will find great solaceShow MoreRelatedAssisted Suicide Should Be Legal Essay1490 Words   |  6 PagesThe process of assisted suicide, or physician-assisted death, is a hotly debated topic that still remains at the forefront of many national discussions today. Assisted suicide can be described as the suicide of patient by a physician-prescribed dose of legal drugs. The reason that this topic is so widely debated is that it infringes on several moral and religious values that ma ny people in the United States have. But, regardless of the way that people feel, a person’s right to live is guaranteedRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Should Be Legal1494 Words   |  6 PagesPhysician Assisted Suicide A tough issue on the rise in the United States is whether or not Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) should be legal. Physician Assisted Suicide allows a physician to prescribe a lethal dose of medication to a patient to end their life. However, the patient has to take the drugs on their own. PAS would be only offered to those suffering from a terminal illness with less than six months to live. The way these patients go about treating and or living with a terminal illnessRead MoreAssisted Suicide Essay1507 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Assisted Suicide (Euthanasia) There probably isn’t one person that can say that they haven’t watched somebody they love in some way suffer from and ultimately die from some sort of unfortunate disease. Assisted suicide is a very controversial topic in the United States. Physician assisted suicide is defined as suicide committed by a terminally ill person with help from another person. This subject causes many controversies of ethical and moral issues. Some of these issues are that it violatesRead MoreShould Physician Assisted Suicide Be Legal?847 Words   |  4 PagesShould-Physician Assisted Suicide Be Legal In Every State When it comes to the topic of, should physician-assisted suicide be legal in every state, most of us will readily agree that it should be up to a terminally ill person to make that decision. Whereas some are convinced that it is inhumane, others maintain that it is a person’s decision to end their own life. I agree that physician-assisted suicide should be legal in every state because in most cases, people that are terminally ill should haveRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide661 Words   |  3 Pagescontroversial topic that comes up is Physician assisted suicide. Webster’s dictionary define it as, â€Å"suicide by a patient facilitated by means or information (as a drug prescription or indication of the lethal dosage) provided by a physician who is aware of how the patient intends to use such means or information.† Most of us have experienced the pain of seeing our loved ones dying in a hospital since doctors and modern medicine can only help us so much. Physic ian assisted suicide not only helps alleviatesRead MoreThe Controversial Debate On Legalization Of Physician Assisted Suicide1290 Words   |  6 Pageslife and no one else’s, right? This is the question at the very center of the controversial debate on the legalization of physician assisted suicide in the United States. Anti-physician assisted suicide groups often argue that no individual truly wants to end their life. However, that statement does not ring true to those who would actually utilize physician assisted suicide- terminally ill patients. Imagine being diagnosed with a terminal disease, followed by months and sometimes years of treatmentRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Is Not A Beneficial Treatment For Medical Patients1350 Words   |  6 PagesPhysician-Assisted Suicide Imagine having a relative with a terminal illness; perhaps this person feels that their only option is assisted-suicide. Now, put yourself into their shoes. Would you choose to live the rest of your days in pain, or would you choose to die with a sense of dignity? Physician-assisted suicide has been prohibited for many years and many physicians have given their input on the subject, enlightening many on the fundamentals of assisted-suicide; others have stated their opinionsRead MoreThe Progressive Case Against Assisted Suicide1413 Words   |  6 Pagesunder physician-assisted suicide. Unfortunately, she had to relocate from California, where her friends and family lived, to Oregon in order to fall under the â€Å"Die With Dignity† act. According to euthanasia.procon.org, only four states in the whole country have legalized assisted suicide. Unfortunately, there are many like Maynard, who have to relocate and leave their home or go through a long and strenuous court battle to receive this treatment plant. This is due to the disapproval of physician-assistedRead MoreIs Physician Assisted Suicide A Good Idea?1464 Words   |  6 PagesIs Physician-Assisted Suicide a Good Idea? Imagine having a relative with a terminal illness; perhaps this person feels that his only option is assisted-suicide. Now, put yourself into his shoes. Would you choose to live the rest of your days in pain, or would you choose to die with a sense of dignity? Physician-assisted suicide has been prohibited for many years. Numerous physicians have given their input on the subject, enlightening a multitude of people on the fundamentals of assisted-suicide. OthersRead MoreThe Morality Of Physician Assisted Suicide1003 Words   |  5 Pagesdefinition of physician-assisted suicide is, â€Å"suicide by a patient facilitated by means or information (as a drug prescription or indicated of the lethal dosage) provided by a physician who is aware of how the patient intends to use such means or information.† I believe that some forms of euthanasia are moral given the premise that the patient is suffering from an incurable and painful disease and will die in the next few months. Given these exceptional circumstances, physician assisted suicide is permissible